
2024-07-27 12:07:40 DAM CAPACITY 52.00% 33.35M HEIGHT 404,527ML VOLUME

Open data strategy

GAWB is committed to embedding the principles of the Queensland Government Open Data initiative within the organisation’s ongoing business activities by:

  • releasing as much data as possible
  • making data accessible and easy to find
  • publishing data in line with the Open Data Policy Principles
  • ensuring data is fit-for-purpose
  • working with stakeholders to realise the benefits of open data.

Our Open Data Strategy outlines GAWB’s plan, principles and release strategy for data collected, stored and maintained to support the delivery of bulk water supply services to the Gladstone region.

File type

Data Set

2016 Annual Report Open Data

Overseas Travel

Overseas travel undertaken by officers of Gladstone Area Water Board in 2014-15 including name, position, destination, reason for travel, agency costs and contribution from other agencies or sources.

Awoonga Dam Fish Stocking Data

Amount and types of fish stocked from GAWB’s hatchery to Awoonga Dam from 1981

Awoonga Dam Water Level Data

Awoonga Dam Lake Level – daily measurements from 1 August 2014

Volumetric Water Sale Data

Monthly volumetric water sales for both raw and potable water

Water Treatment Plant Data listed below:

  • Amount of raw water pumped monthly from Awoonga Dam to the Gladstone network (ML)
  • Raw Water delivered to Gladstone Water Treatment Plant (GWTP)
  • Raw Water delivered to Yarwun Water Treatment Plant (YWTP)
  • Volumetric water treated at GWTP
  • Volumetric water treated at YWTP
  • Turbity at GWTP
  • Turbity at YWTP
  • Free Chlorine at GWTP
  • Free Chlorine at YWTP

Volumetric water treated is the amount of water pumped out of the treatment plants as final drinking water.

Turbidity and Chlorine averages are calculated from the online instruments and derived from SCADA: turbidity is the average filtered water turbidity: Free Cl is the average free chlorine as measured in the clear water reservoirs.

Visitor Vehicles to Lake Awoonga

Total number of visitor vehicles to the Lake Awoonga Recreation area

GAWB Land Data

Total number of licensees/lessees that operate a business venture under agreement on or around Lake Awoonga

  • Total number of licences
  • Total number of leases
  • Total number of tenants
  • Total number of agistments

Additional Information



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